Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A couple for Rockwall Heath Baseball Team

my favorite picture. check out the line... that is the ball zooming in!

gotta love that baseball stance!

ready for it

warming up

giving it his all


Gossiping- yes boys do it too!

the poor other pitcher trying to throw our guys some strikes... he looked wore out

warming up

Congrats to the Rockwall-Heath Baseball Team that is currently in the playoffs! And of course little brother John Branum #8! Good Luck Guys!

Whitworth-Hass Wedding. This is a wedding of a great friend of mine Shanda and her new husband Jason. The new brothers having a blast!

Making it official

Spring roses and yummy cake!


The meaning of the ring by Keith

A symbol of love

Reading from the Good Book

A country wedding

Gotta love the ring!

Becoming One!

Friday, May 22, 2009


I received my new studio lighting yesterday and just couldn't wait to play with it. Here are a few I took really quickly of Carson!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

That is all for tonight

I am calling it quits for tonight, but my new studio equipment is due to deliver tomorrow so stay posted for more pics! I am sure my children will be ready to send it all back before the weekend is up!

Melisha's Bridal Pics

These bridals are of a very good friend of mine at the Arboretum. It was such a beautiful day and we had so much fun. As you can see the boys joined us for this shoot and enjoyed running around with Grandmommy. Caden was quite the assistant, keeping very close tabs on his Mel for uncle Jeremy... making sure no one got to close to his princess. I hope you enjoy these as much as we did taking them!

The Coffelts

These are a couple from the Coffelt family I did about a month ago.

Diamond Girlz Softball Team Pics

Here are the team pics from the softball team I shot today, Thank you parents for the opportunity to shoot your children, they were too cute and I had fun working with each of them.

More to come,

Some for Caden's Day School

On Tuesday I got the pleasure of photographing all of the children at the United Methodist Day School that Caden attends. I had so much fun and am not sure I have ever seen so many big blue eyed children in my life! Thanks Kim for the wonderful opportunity.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Getting Set up

Now that Carson is here I have been getting back into the photography business full swing. I will start posting a couple of pictures from each shoot as I can... Check back for more!

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